Musings of a fab and thirty Hannah

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I love God, my Husband, my daughter and Rugby Union. These are my musings.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Had to call the Police again yesterday evening.
James took my car to work for the first time - his new employer requires him to use his own car for business purposes and he adjusted my insurance for this on Saturday.
Anyway he went on his scheduled visit in the morning. Then he received a call requiring him to go out again unplanned. On returning to the car park he was in a rush and didn't take the front out of the car stereo.
Two hours later he returned to the car to come home.
No stereo.
Damaged drivers door lock.
My first ever insurance claim is now underway.
Yesterday was a bit pants, it feels like it's been a long week already.


Liz said...

Poor u ! I'm sure you're not planning on having to make too many claims but as someone who has been known to drive her car into stationery objects and has had to make one or two claims in her time (that's me, not you!)it might be worth paying the extra to protect your no claims bonus although it can tie you into one insurer. I think its saved me money in the long run.

God, Love, Life and Rugby said...

Fortunatley I've had my no claims more than 5 years and my bonus is protected. I hope!