Musings of a fab and thirty Hannah

My photo
I love God, my Husband, my daughter and Rugby Union. These are my musings.....

Friday, February 23, 2007

Lambeth SOS

This is what is taking up my time at work at the moment. If you have a minute go to the website and sign the petition if you agree with what we are trying to acheive: Lambeth SOS

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Washed Out

I'm feeling a bit like an old grey sock that's been through the wash too many times. I think it is the remnants of the bug I had at the start of the week. Physically I'm fine, all my symptoms have all but gone, and I'm back at work. But mentally I'm feeling a bit done in. I want to curl up in the corner and let the world carry on without me. I'm feeling delicate and childlike. Also when I try considering the future everything looks bleak. Now I know this is nonsense, but I'm not feeling sparky or happy about anything.
I tried on my wedding dress on Friday, my actual wedding dress, for the first time, and it fits like a glove (but doesn't look like one thank goodness!) No alterations. Now I love it, it's a beautiful dress, but in my head I'm comparing myself to some non existent ideal Bride. I keep doing this with the whole wedding. I am not so good at reminding myself that May 5th, my wedding day is just that: A Day. An important day, a magical day, a fun and happy day, but a day. One out of 365 this year. The best bit out my wedding Day is that I'll gain a husband and a whole new bit of my life will open. But I've got a bit stuck and focused on The Day that I've forgotten about the after bit. The rest of my life bit. I think I have been using my wedding as a crutch, as something to lean on when work is bad, or when I'm bored. Whilst I don't need to start planning the future, I do need to start remembering that I am building for a life of marriage, not a day of fun. I need to remember why and who I am doing this for. For James because I love him and he completes the pattern of my life. For God, because He made me, and He made marriage, For me because standing in Church and making promises so that all my friends and family can hear, and before God and according to His Holy Law, is exciting and enthralling and so important to me.
I get caught up in the popular hype of weddings and I think why did they do it like that, or why couldn't I have planned my wedding that quickly, cheaply, easily. My competitive insecure streak comes out and I forget that its not about anyone else. Part of my solution is to give up the Confetti Website. It's too tempting to get dragged into it, and down by it.
I need to remember that My wedding, Our wedding, will be what it will be, and for us it will be the best day of our lives....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Is it just me or can anyone else sniff Spring in the air today? Perhaps it is because I have been under the duvet with Lurgy for the last two days, but I am sure it feels sunnier, and brighter and milder today?
Anyhow, even through my fuzzy head and sore eyes I could see the signs of new life. Hooray!
Also Lent begins today. This is what I am going to do: Love Life Live Lent
It's awesome so take a look and give it a go....One easy action a day.
Hannah x

Monday, February 12, 2007

More Tea Sir?

Last Tuesday was James' 25th Birthday, and to mark the quarter of a century we both took the day off.
After breakfast in bed with presents and cards, we popped round to his parents to share the chocolate fudge cake I had made in a whirlwind of domesticity! We took the opportunity to wish Douglas a Happy Birthday too. In 25 years they have never bought each other a present. Twins - I will never understand them.
At midday we changed into our slightly posher togs and caught the train to Victoria from a cold frosty South Croydon. We caught a bus towards Park Lane, and as we were rather early for our treat we took a leisurely stroll in the wintry sunshine round Hyde Park.
At two thirty we wandered up to the grand entrance of The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane. It was like stepping into someone else's life! It was so much fun. We left our coats in the cloakroom, and were shown to our place, close to the pianist on the baby Grand. James sat in a throne like chair and I sank into luxurious plump silk covered cushions.
We were served by suited and booted waiters with finger sandwiches without crusts, tea in chine, scones, clotted cream and home made jam and a selection of lovely cakes. We whiles away over two hours, chatting and enjoying living a different life! It was such escapism and I would recommend it to anyone for a real treat, my only tip: don't use your knife and fork to eat the sandwiches!
Hannah x