A ray of sunshine, a smile, a hug all remind me of the bigger picture. When I find myself questioning God and where I fit and why I should listen to Him I remember what God said to Moses when he asked what he should tell the Israelites when they asked him the name of God:
'God said to Moses, "I am who I am". This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.' ' Exodus 3: 14
God is so big so awesome and so amazing that his name is simply 'I AM.' No more explanation is needed!
Jack is still battling on. His family are with him. He has been asleep a lot. The end is near and I am convinced that when God calls him home heaven will welcome him with open arms and a massive party.
Fab news about Jack. Today his family want us to do something that makes you feel younger! I will be feeding the ducks!
I think sometimes we all get bogged down in the mundane little annoyances that life throws at us. Following the sudden unexpected death of my uncle I am trying not to let these small things get to me as it doesn't benefit anyone in the long run. Although I do not share your faith in God I do believe that there is some power which can guide us if only we let it.
Whether it be God in the traditional sense or just a spritiual feeling, I am trying to take the time to just be quiet and listen to what the world is trying to tell me.
Also see Isaiah 51, 1-3.
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