I have spoken to The Vicar and I am organising a week of 24-7 prayer for my church. Well nearly 24-7. Due to safety and practicality it will only run 24-7 for the last weekend but the prayer room will be open from 6am until 10pm the other days. Its running from July 9th - July 16th. That's soon.
I'm scared. I'm scared it'll fail, I'm scared I won't be able to tell people about what it is, what it's for, how it will be set up, how it can be used. I'm scared that people won't come, and people won't pray.
Being the rather anal organised person that I am I really want to control this. But I can't. It's not mine, it belongs to God. If I put too much of myself in the prayer room then how will God get in there? How will other people find space to pray. If I don't explain it clearly then how will people know that this thing changes lives, prayer is powerful and we should embrace this chance to invite God in.
The other week I asked God during the service to show me that 24-7 was what I should be doing right now. Right then Helen ended the service reading from Red Moon Rising. OK God - so that was quick - now I need Your help.
Not only will this be a challenge for our church it'll be a personal challenge for me. A lesson in how to let God lead, and a lesson in how to follow. Hmmmm. H x
I think you explained things really well on Sunday. Make sure you come down and talk to Connexions about it too.
I reckon the difficulty will be getting people to sign up, and the best way to do it will probably be asking people if they've signed up yet!
The more we can create a buzz around it, the more people will know its happening and be more likely to get involved.
Hey Han!
I'll certainly be praying for you! Trusting God is such a hard thing to do, but he is so amazing and keeps on leading us and teaching us even when we fail. I think the 24/7 prayer thing will be fantastic and that some wonderful things will happen. As for encouraging people to take part, reading your blog has encouraged me to buy the book Red Moon rising, so I think you will definitely inspire other people to get involved.
lots of love
Beckie xxx
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