Yesterday was the last session of my counselling course. For thirteen weeks and ten sessions (Easter and half term in the middle) I have shared not only a introduction to Counselling for Christians course but a journey. The people on the course were great, men and women from a wide variety of social, cultural, geographical and denominational backgrounds. Inspite of, or perhaps because of, our differences we bonded quickly and grew as helpers over the time we were together. I feel like I have really shared in these people's lives, and quite deeply in some cases. I have also grown, I have learnt how to share some of my stuff, some stuff that I keep buried and hidden and trodden down. I have learnt to set goals, without which I wouldn't have joined WW, I have learnt to listen, and really listen, and not talk about myself.
Most of all I have discovered that Counselling is something I do want to pursue in the future. It is something that makes me tick inside, it is something that makes me feel alive. I also know that now is not the time for me to pursue this.
I feel good, like I've achieved something. H x
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