Christmas was great but hectic and I don't feel as rested as I would have liked. I had a stinking cold for the early part of it which was also not great. We saw lots of friends over Christmas, 15 people over for a 3 course sit down meal on the 23rd. 25 people stuffed into my sitting room playing Articulate on Christmas Eve. I feel that maybe God was using me to host, to open up my house and give. I'm glad we did it. We also had Doug (James' twin bro) to cat sit whilst we were in Worcester, and despite my initial worries it all turned out good, and the house didn't feel so empty when we got back.
New Year was fine - I dislike New Year. I think its a big load of hoo ha over nowt and i get an enormous sense of emptiness and disappointment at midnight. I ended up sleeping on my thermarest on a lounge floor. I don't want to do that again. I personally would like a quiet candle lit dinner for two, a good bottle of wine and bed. Maybe next year?
Work seemed to come back around all too quickly, and a deep sense of unease settled in my heart. My funding is VERY uncertain after the end of March and so I think I need a new job, this one makes me miserable. It has nothing to do with the people or the place I work but the systems that I have to work within. Alot of my work is dependent on other external people and organisations and they seem to be very good at ignoring me. I'll do anything pretty much! Well not quite. The worst thing is I feel totally useless at work. I like to feel like I am making a difference, like I am changing something but I do not have the motivation to be pro active. Days drag by and I feel like I could be doing so much more. I am applying for a job at Croydon Council because I hate commuting too! More on that as it happens.
2007 is of course going to be a massive year. Four months today I will walk down the aisle of Emmanuel and make vows before God, my friends and family and walk out as Mrs Gordon. Can't WAIT!!!
I'd also like 2007 to be a massive year for other reasons. I want a new job, where I can be content. I want to successfully complete my counselling certificate. I want to make plans with my husband to travel, or not but either way make some plans for the next couple of years. I want to end 2007 feeling more settled, and stronger than I do right now. Please God show me the way.
H x
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