The last couple of weeks have made it everything seem so real. We had a lovely phone call from The Curate on Friday. She's going to conduct our ceremony and we're meeting her on Saturday morning to sit down and discuss this. We had a letter last week telling us when our banns will be read at church (the legal bit that allows us to get married!) The unfortunate thing is that they are all at the morning service, and we are both members of the evening congregation. However I spoke to someone in the office who is trying to get at least one reading moved to the evening. James and I are both keen that our wedding ceremony is really really fun and enjoyable. We really want it to be a chance to thank God for all He has done for us, and will continue to do during the rest of our lives. It'll be great to sit down and plan it. I'm also going to ask the curate to sign my form to get my new passport so that when I fly to Malta on May 7th I'll officially be Mrs Gordon!!!
This weekend we have also managed to measure our little bridesmaids for their dresses. Agree a guest list, buy presents for people and draft the invite inserts ready for printing.
We're seeing the venue on Wednesday, armed with an a4 sheet of questions and then finish our wedding list next Tuesday eve.
I feel in control (my sister will be pleased to hear that) and also quite positive. I cannot wait for my dress to come in and for me to try it on with everything.
Work wise things are naff. I have an interview on Wednesday at 2pm. Its quite a random job. We'll see 'ey?
H x
1 comment:
Hi Han - I'm glad you're feeling excited - not long to go now!! Treasure every moment - even the more frantic ones as it will all fly past so quickly. It's worth it though and I hope you both have a fantastic day.
Married life is fab. So ENJOY!
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