You can do a quiz Here but it is the Guardian so beware!
Christmas is such an odd time. There is a commercial juggernaut that seems to set off in October forcing all who come within its path to have fun and be happy. Truth Christmas can be quite miserable I think.
Two years ago I was last in Croydon for Christmas, actually the first time I've been in Croydon for Christmas. On Christmas eve James and I went to the local Wetherspoons pub, to meet up with many of his friends. I can't quite explain why but the experience made my skin crawl, and still makes me miserable when I think about it. I only had one drink, not wanting to be intoxicated for Midnight Mass. As I stood in the crowded pub I looked around me, perhaps searching for the mysterious Christmas Spirit! The scene broke my heart, and I don't really know why. Men and women young and old. There was lots of noise and laughter but I couldn't feel any warmth or happiness. A man near the door caught my eye. He was in his late fifties, possible sixties. Wearing smart clothes but looking a bit scruffy. He wore thick rimmed glasses and was sitting on a busy table of young women, although he was not with them. He sat with his pint in front of him, a lonely island in the cacophony, a misfit. There was something about this man that made me want to cry. I think he represented the Christmas Spirit that says we should all be out having lots and lots of fun. I am so glad we're not going back this year.
Don't get me wrong I do love Christmas for many reasons. It is a time to stop, to spend time with the people I love, to look after myself (not been so hot on that this year.) A time to read, rest and relax in preparation for the new year. (I hate New Year's Eve...more on that in another post.) Since becoming a Christian I love Christmas for a whole other reason (and the right one I feel!) Every year when I hear the Christmas story I am reminded in a new way of God's meaning in my life. I like hearing with fresh ears the story, and I try to let its meaning permeate my conscious in a new way. The vicar once again preached a stonking sermon on Sunday evening at the Carol Service. In a break with tradition the link to download it is HERE (I'll have to be nice about church now!) The Vicar is good at Christmas, I feel like his sermons on the subject take no prisoners and he does not mince his words. My favourite line from this year was "Infinity became an infant." cheesy but loaded with meaning! So anyway, I cannot wait to go to church at 11pm on Sunday evening and welcome in Christmas morn, and thank God once again for the birth of his Son who saved me.
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