You were not made to bear this heavy load.
Cast all Your burdens upon the Lord;
Jesus cares, He cares for you.
Jesus cares, He cares for you.
And all your worrying Won’t help you make it through.
Cast all your burdens upon the Lord.
And trust again in the promise of His love.
I will praise the mighty name of Jesus,
Praise the Lord, the lifter of my head.
Praise the Rock of my salvation,
All my days are in His faithful hands.
My anxious heart, why so upset?
When trials come, how you so easily forget
To cast your burdens upon the Lord;
Jesus cares, He cares for you.
Robert CritchleyCopyright © 2001 Thankyou Music
Dan preached on A Worshipping Life on Sunday night. And we sang this song at the end of the service. And as we sang the Holy Spirit reminded me once again that its not about me, it's all about Him, and it gets better: Every single one of my days are in God's hands, good, bad, ugly, fun, difficult, grey, sunny, sad and happy. He's got them. Everyone. Hooray!
I love the image of God being the lifter of my head, just gently drawing my vision and my sight line from my feet scuffing along the floor to a wider view where the sun pours in and the wonder of creation astounds me once again.
It was the Alpha Holy Spirit Day on Saturday, which I joined for the morning. The Holy Spirit is something I find confusing so it was good to explore some things about it. It was a shame to miss the afternoon but I had a prior date with some Warriors. I was thinking especially about fruits and gifts of the Spirit, exploring a bit more about Hospitality. Every time I pray about hospitality I get a picture of my new house. Be interesting to see how that pans out. I have also been thinking about being filled with the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit works in people. On Sunday evening I asked the Holy Spirit to help me Worship, to dedicate my life to God again, to help me reflect God's worth in my day to day life. It's a tough one, but at Alpha last night and this morning in our Bible reading I have had answers, along with more to think about. I am enjoying how Alpha is refreshing my faith, and God as always is holding my hand, lifting my head and helping me along the way. H x
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