Musings of a fab and thirty Hannah

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I love God, my Husband, my daughter and Rugby Union. These are my musings.....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday: Weight Watchers and Weird Films

Well I went back. A week later than planned but I got there. It was a new meeting to me, in a new place and on a new day. I was nervous. Being a re-joiner is odd. It's a good thing because I've realised I need to stop my slide up the scales but not so good that I let it happen in the first place. Anyway I needn't have worried too much, the leader is Sarah, who was leading my Warlingham meeting when I got to goal! As I queued to pay (yes I have to that again) Sarah saw me, and came over to say hi. It was so nice to be welcomed. Anyway. I am 9lb over my goal weight and I have 4 weeks to get back to it to obtain that star! The heat is on......

After staying to the meeting I was really motivated and went home to a yummy meal of Tacos, to start date night. This week is Cubs half term so we took advantage of Orange Wednesdays and went to the Cinema. Now James and I are not film buffs, but the cinema is always fun.
Or at least confusing. We went to see 'No Country for Old Men.' Other people had told us this film should be seen and it is Oscar nominated. It was odd, and uncomfortable. I think it was a good film. I certainly didn't get bored. You can go and read plot synopses and reviews elsewhere so I won't go into it. I am not sure I understood it, although perhaps I wasn't supposed to. It's the sort of film I think I need to discuss over a pint! James didn't get it either. But despite all this I think I am glad I saw it, although I don't think I liked it!

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