Musings of a fab and thirty Hannah

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I love God, my Husband, my daughter and Rugby Union. These are my musings.....

Monday, May 05, 2008

1st Anniversary

Has a whole 366 days passed since I made these vows:

I, Hannah, take you, James ,to be my husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love, cherish, and obey,
till death us do part,
according to God's holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.

Well yes it has. And what a year it's been.

We've been very busy, which is sometimes good and sometimes not so good. And I think that over the year we've grown together. We know more about each other, we've talked about our future, we've discussed, and changed, our careers (more on that). We bought our first home. We've comforted each other in tough times, we've celebrated in good times. And for everyone who said "Well you live together already, getting married won't change anything." You were wrong!

Being married is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I love having my best friend around all the time and knowing that as I go grey(er) and wrinkly he will be there for me. I am so excited about sharing every day of my future with him, all the adventures, the highs the lows, the loves, the losses.

For our anniversary we ran away to Gav's parents' house in Corhampton. We went to Winchester, and James let me loose in a Cook Shop! We went to the Cathedral, we ate well, we chatted, we drank wine. On the Sunday it was 20 mile training day in the New Forest which you can read about on my Moonwalk blog, followed by Roast Dinner and Champagne.

On our actual anniversary we had a lazy brekkie in bed with Bucks Fizz and exchanged pressies. Instead of cards I came up with an idea (well actually I nicked it out of a book). we bought a notebook in Winchester and every year we will write a bit to each other. This way as time goes by we will build up a record of events, and thoughts and each year we'll put in a picture of us on our anniversary. James was cynical but he'll get the hang of it. This was followed up by a trip to a country pub and then the local May Country Fair with Maypole dancing and lambs! Great great fun.

James I love you. Always. Hannah xxx

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