For me Easter starts every year at the Maundy Thursday service at Church. I love this service. For me it is my favourite service of the whole year, the one I cannot miss. The Maundy Thursday communion service commemorates the night of the last supper, the washing of feet, the breaking of bread and the sharing of the wine. As I take part in the service, say the liturgy and sing the hymns my breathing slows down, my mind clears and I try to imagine myself in that upper room two thousand years ago. Taking myself back to that night refreshes in my mind what Easter is all about. Instead of skipping forward to the celebration and joy of Easter Sunday I force myself to think about the events leading up to it. Jesus' word in the upper room are full of hope and promise. Going to the Maundy Thursday service sets my footing right for the whole of Easter weekend. Usually we go away, back to Worcester, and Sunday sees us celebrating in a church that is not ours. It doesn't matter, the Good News is worth celebrating wherever we happen to be but there is something about starting off in the familiar pews in South Croydon, taking the bread and drinking the wine and calling to mind the disciples doing the same that grounds me and anchors me.
This year I went to the prayer room twice after the service. Once late at night and once early on Good Friday.
I spent time reading the Gospels' accounts of the last supper, and of Jesus' betrayal. I allowed myself to be wowed, and challenged.
As I drove to the prayer room early on Friday morning, before the sun was up again, I felt tired, and considered turning back (I knew there was someone else signed up) but as I turned the corner I saw the moon, bright and full. I took it as a gentle reminder from God that he was the way and the light, and I thanked Him.
Easter weekend was quite hectic. Driving to Worcester, then to South Wales to see family Capper, seeing Milla and Chris in their new house, walking 8 miles in training with my sister in the sleet and rain, meeting Alice's boyfriend. There weren't many moments of quiet calm and reflection. I am glad I stopped on Thursday and really pondered the Easter message, it has renewed my hope and given me purpose again. H x