I was having a conversation with James the other day about age. I get quite sensitive about my age, for the three weeks between Christmas and New Year and then it doesn't matter again. I was saying that I don't feel mentally older than I did say three of five years ago, or physically older. However circumstances around me indicate that I am infact ageing! I am married, I am looking to buy a house, I have made a major career change decision. I like cooking, and baking, I own a cat, and a car.
I think I like it this way. Not feeling older but getting to do all the above things with confidence. So on Tuesday to celebrate James and I are goign out for dinner, just the two of us. Nice food, good bottle of wine. Bliss.
The one contra-indicator to my ageing is my lack of patience. I think it is God making me learn, but still I am not so good at it. As you know James and I are house hunting. We have been for a while now. We haven't found the right thing at the right price and have found ourselves a bit stuck. Our budget will allow us a lovely one bed flat but only a handful of pokey bigger propertied. Studying for a PGCE is going to mean I need somewhere to study that isn't the sitting room or the bedroom. Which leaves us looking for a bigger property that we can't afford. I am getting impatient that we can't find anywhere.
There is a ray of hope. James is a key worker. This means that there are various governement assistance programmes available to him (and me.) We only really looked into this in December. The option we are looking at now is called Open Market Home Buy. This is essentially a way of bowwing money from the governement and a lender at no cost for five years, it makes up 25% of the purchse price. If we are eligible and accepted it would push our purchase price up into that two bed category. We were accepted onto the Key Worker scheme in mid December. To get on to OMHB we had to attend a presentation, which was last night. I really wanted that to be the palce we would find out how much we could have. But no. We have to go and see a financial person. On Thursday evening. In Cheam. Which means that it will be another week before we know whether we can look for a more expensive house. I want a house now, and feel like screaming and stamping my feet till I get one.
But that's not very grown up. H x
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