Yesterday I undertook one of my favourite annual rituals.
No not Christmas shopping, but buying my diary for next year.
Every year I go to Paperchase and peruse the diary selection. I want something that will last me the whole year and will become my friend! I want something practical, in size and layout, as well as something fun and funky!
Next year's diary is an a6 size dark pink leather affair. Classy but cool I hope.
I think the excitement of a new diary is more than just looks though. There is something intensely appealing to me about the smooth, crisp blank pages stretching out before me. It represents a new year, blank pages waiting to be filled. There is something about the not knowing what the year will bring.
Of course the first thing I wrote in my diary was my wedding day. I have a feeling that once we're through the festive season time will begin to gallop and May 5th will be upon us sooner than we expect! It seems so far away at the moment and still unreal in many ways.
As I get older time gets faster. Does this happen to anyone else? I have to remind myself sometimes to stop, breathe, listen, see and live. H x
This is a quote I came across the other day. It is from an American Historian: -
Perhaps it would be a good idea, fantastic as it sounds, to muffle every telephone, stop every motor and halt all activity for an hour some day to give people a chance to ponder for a few minutes on what it is all about, why they are living, and what they really want.
-James Truslow Adams
It's not just you Han. I can't believe it's christmas again already. There were so many things I wanted to do this year that I never got around to because I was too busy, or tired or simply couldn't be bothered.
Ever since my uncle died suddenly in May I've been telling myself that I should do the things I want to while I can, that you never know what's around the corner - a morbid thought I know.
That's why my (rather early) new years resolution is to make the effort - to speak to my family, to visit friends, to go to the gym and get fit. And to get all of this off to a lovely start you and I are meeting up in Bath in just over a week - yey!! I can't wait.
Ooops, sorry Han - that last comment was by me!!
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