Musings of a fab and thirty Hannah

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I love God, my Husband, my daughter and Rugby Union. These are my musings.....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Is it just me....?

Or is everyone else grown up?
James and I went to Cardiff this weekend. It was a nice chance to get away from the day to day, and we stayed in a hotel which always adds to the holiday feeling. It had fabulous views over Cardiff to the sea.
We spent a lot of our time visiting our various friends who have remained in and around Cardiff after university. The experience was lovely, but it did make me feel a bit old!
The first people we visited were one of James' housemates, his partner and their four month old daughter. They seem really well, and they have family support in Bristol. However it was just bizarre seeing him carrying his beautiful girl - I'd never put him in the father role, although he's clearly a doting dad.
Then we saw another of James' friends who lives in a luxury serviced apartment block - weird, like living in a hotel. Again very grown up!
Then we saw my friends Shelly and Andy who have bought a sweet two bedroom in the Cardiff suburbs, and have a fluffy ball of a cat to make it home. Finally we saw Beckie and Pete who've been married just over eighteen months and own a house in The Valleys. They all seem happy, and nothing between us has changed but talking about laying carpets, re-wiring and laminate floors was a world removed from my own.
Partly it made me want to settle - and James and I had a long conversation about what we might do once we're married and where we might think about settling. Things are still so uncertain at the moment - no job news - that thinking about the future seems a bit like a pipe dream, but its a dream I want to turn to reality. H x


Anonymous said...

Who you calling old you cheeky monkey?? I do frequently feel old, especially when I spend my weekends doing washing and housework!! I guess though that at some point adulthood creeps up on us all - at least you (and I) have found someone wonderful to grow old with - it could be much worse!!

Lol Shell x

Anonymous said...

Erm...Hannah, sweetie, you live with your fiance in a flat on your own with a cat whilst you plan your wedding. That's quite grown up.

Well, when you compare this to me who still lives with our parents in the house we grew up in, get drunk most weekends and have no plans to settle down and don't really plan further than about 3 weeks away.

Cheer up, Grandma! Could be worse!