Yesterday morning as I lay sleeping deeply, James leant over me. 'What are you doing?' I asked, "Seeing what time it is," he said. I lifted my phone and focused my blurry eyes on the small digital screen of my phone: 08.24. The little black numbers shone out at me from below Martin Corry's newly photographed face. S**T. The alarm usually trills out at 06.40 every weekday morning, rousing the bleary eyed Hannah and James and spurring us towards the kettle, shower and leaving at 08.00 am. Not so yesterday. Having turned off my alarm on Friday - day off you see - I failed to reset it. Mad dash, garbled message on colleague's phone, which she laughed at later, and inhaled brekkie saw us leave the house 25 minutes later. Not a recommended start to the week I can assure you!
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