Monday the cat went to the vet for her jab, she was fine but it's the first time I've had the pleasure and I had to do it on my own. There was a family there with their elderly Dog who was about to be put down. Their sadness was written on their faces and it got to me a bit.
Tuesday was a perfect example of me trying to fit too much into too little time. I got back from work early and decided to do the Tesco shop. It was easy enough but the new diet means shopping quite carefully. I got back home 45 minutes before I was due back out the door for a Rugby Players meeting. In that time I unpacked, with James' help, then decided to cook too. I didn't have time to eat before I went the meeting so when I got back at 9 I had 45 minutes to myself before going to do an overnight shift at the homeless shelter at church. I have no idea how I managed to stay awake.
Wednesday was a day of sleeping till half past one then washing up, which neither James or I had done for three days. Then I went to the cinema with my godmother and three of her four wonderful daughters. I would recommend 'Memoirs of a Geisha' to all who enjoy love and art. James and I also managed to squeeze some US time in to he evening and actually prayed together.
Yesterday was rugby and tonight is TGIF - Friday night youth group at church for 11 to 14s. I am doing 'The Spot' this evening which is the 15 minute slot to try and impart some sort of message to 30 or so assembled kids, a few of whom are intent on causing havoc. I think I have it sorted but we'll see. I just hope that the kids will begin to want to know more about God, and that God will help me to share His message.
So that was my week. My job is frustrating at the moment. The funding runs out in two and a half months and the PCT have not yet chosen to share whether we are getting more money. This means I can't start anything big, and it's driving me nuts. Again this is a situation I need God to step into soon.
Sorry for the BIG massive long post. Please feel free to comment if you're reading this, no matter who you are. H x
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